Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3 weeks

and on this, her 3 week birthday, i proudly announce my new love.

this is beth.

she is awesome. she is my life and i love it.

everything is different, everything has changed (including both hank and i) and we couldn't be happier. somehow our perspective has transformed completely - certain things that mattered before no longer do, and the important things became even more so. she has given our lives new purpose.

of course we think she's the most beautiful thing on the planet (and really, who could disagree?) and she fits to our lives perfectly.

i'm torn because i can't wait to see what her personality will be like, to watch her grow and see who she'll become, but at the same time i hold on to every moment for as long as i can - each is quick and fleeting, and i know these days of novelty and newness will not last forever. so I hold on as tight as i can for the time, taking in each minute as the very breath of life that it is.

she is beautiful. CONFESSION: sometimes i cry when i look at her because i am totally amazed and in awe of this perfect new life that's been entrusted to my care. and the crazy thing is that I made her! it's mind blowing to me. but it's awesome, and i have a new found understanding of a parent's love - pure and perfect, just like she is. i almost feel like i owe my parents an apology. i just hope they know how much i love them back.

hank is amazing with her and it's clear he's going to be a sucker for his little girl. somehow i knew that was coming. i love love LOVE to watch him with her. it's the greatest thing in world.

more updates to come i'm sure, and now that i'm home (and loving it, BTW) i can - and will - post more often. i've got the perfect reason to now...