Monday, June 27, 2011

i learned a few things

i love this. i want to buy it so bad. it will have to wait until next week. it, and similar, if you're interested can be found here.

early this morning, i learned a few things.

i learned that this close to summer solstice the dawn literally starts to break at 4:11am. and that the sky is bright with light by 5. i learned this after being up with my poor little girl whose bum is so red it kept her from sleeping last night. after a quick change and some soothing, she finally fell back asleep, only to leave me wide awake to see the sun come up. i learned that no matter how tired i am, i still cannot fall back asleep once i've been awakened. actually, i've always known that. that was not a new one for me.

i also learned that i am a good mom. i am not a perfect mom, or even the best mom, but i am still a good mom - working and all - and beth loves me just the same. simply because i am her mom. for a long time i carried around mommy-guilt - the fact that i am not home with her 24/7, or that i have at times been short with her and lost my patience. or that i do not always give her my full attention while she's awake because i sometimes try to get things done around the house rather than play with her. but i have decided, and learned, that this is not healthy. it's not good! it's not right to constantly feel as though i am inadequate and not giving her everything she needs because for the most part i am. nor do i think it's part of the plan to feel this way. and it took a lot for me to realize that.

my daughter does not know if there is a better mom out there - she just knows that i'm her mom. and she loves me and needs me and even wants me for that reason alone. and i love this, because it's unconditional. she knows that i will offer all the love i have to give, even if it's through discipline (most recently), that i will still love her even after she does exactly what i've just told her not to do, and that 5 minutes later we will be laughing and playing in the backyard together.

now please don't think this to mean i am settling. i still want to be home with her everyday rather than work, i still want to have a never-ending patience fuse, and i would still love to give this girl the world. these are things to work toward, but not feel guilty over. and that's the lesson i learned here.

i am tired today and struggling to get through the day. and for any other reason, i might be upset that my sleep was so short last night. but i have also learned that when it's for your kids, you don't seem to care nearly as much.

in the wee hours of the morning, as i picked beth up from her crib as she cried in discomfort, she wrapped her arms tight around my neck because she knew she would find comfort in me. and i loved it. i admit that i ate it up, as it's rare for her to hold on so tight and for so long - beth is not your classic cuddler. so i held her for a while and i gave her comfort the very best i could as she needed me to. because that's what good moms do - the best they can with what they have.

i am a good mom. not a perfect mom, but a good mom.
and i learned that it's okay to think so.

ps: happy first birthday to my little frind LRF!!!! i hope you get to eat lots and lots of cake on your special day :)


Dave Carlson said...

Hi Lindsay,

I just found your blog. I wanted to show Dave the pictures you took of Beth as a baby.
Wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your post on "what I learned". It brought tears to my eyes. Although at this point lots of things do.
I'm only 3 weeks into this mommy thing and already experiencing the pull between getting things done around the house vs. spending time with Wyatt.
Don't get me wrong, I love watching him in the morning when he is quiet, alert and making faces. But I find myself wanting to organize things around the house too. If I'm not spending his every waking moment with him, does it mean that I'm not making the most of this special time off work?
Is it okay to cry at 6:00 in the morning while nursing because he was up every 2 hours that night and I just wanted a little more sleep?
So thank you for giving a little perspective. Thank you for reminding me that everyone goes through this, that it is temporary (sort of) and that moms like you--who have come before me--have made it through.
Marci Carlson

OnGod'sErrand said...

wow! You have learned so much wisdom in the last year... things that those who never have the blessing of children will never know or really understand----the joys, the frustrations, the guilt and the peace. There will still be "ugly" days, but never lose the perspective you are finding.
You are a GREAT mom! Hugs (from your mom)