Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the geriatric ward

after 2 1/2 months of being a stay at home mom, and running my errands during the day, i have come to terms with being a part of the geriatric ward. because those are the only people out early in the morning running their errands too! no seriously, 9 out of 10 people at the grocery store have to be at least 87 years old. this isn't the case when i shop after work or on the weekends - that's when everyone else goes out. but on a weekday, btween 7am and noon, i'm telling you, it's like walking through a nursing home that happens to have rows and rows of food for the taking in it too. i tried to get pictures to prove it, but after a lots of disturbed and bothered looks from said older folks and a few failed attempts at clear pictures because i was using my phone camera, i gave up. instead, i took a picture of how i have learned to successfully grocery shop with two children, namely a 2 year old.

give the girl some snacks to eat while sitting in the cart and you're golden. works everytime.

and by the way, i love old people. don't get me wrong. they're entertaining with their "let me stop you and tell you how cute your kids are, then tell you my life story" - ness, or occasional begrudged looks when you shove cookies into your napless, crying toddler's mouth to keep them happy during your we-have-nothing-at-home shopping experience.... i have nothing against old people. i think they're famtastic, really. i just now know that other stay at home moms must shop when the working moms shop. but personally, i like shopping with the geriatric ward. it's a nice change of pace for me.

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