Tuesday, October 26, 2010

little jumper

i planted tulips and alliums this weekend in our flower bed out front. i am ultra excited about it too. there were nice big rose bushes there when we moved in, but hank and i are not huge fans of the rose bush. so we gave those away to my uncle and have tried one or two things since that have totally failed, but secretly i'm kind of glad. they were just boring hedge bushes and i really want some color. alliums and tulips are perfect. great color, and pretty hard to screw up, right? i can't wait for them to bloom in the spring! so far away right now....

we have also learned over the last couple months that those little jumper guys are the greatest invention on the planet for babies. beth loves it. i mean, LOVES it. she will play in there for hours. we put it up on an i-beam in our basement, so she can go all sorts of directions besides just up and down and boy, did she figure that out fast. she quickly learned how to jump herself forward and swing back, and jump forward and swing back... and she laughs and laughs. it is so entertaining. for all of us...

here's a clip:

1 comment:

christine said...

that is awesome. baby laughs are the best! she is such a cutie.