Sunday, November 20, 2011

this is huge


it's been 45 minutes since i put beth down for bed, and i haven't heard a thing since. not a peep, not a move, not a cry, not anything.

this is normal for her - she usually goes down with no problem and puts herself to sleep just fine. but tonight, i expected trouble.

explanation: last night was our last night in this:

and tonight, our first night in a big girl bed. (insert panicked deep breaths here)

we've been blessed with this girl and her sleeping habits, let me tell you. it's been a dream. sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, able to put herself to sleep without needing to be rocked by 10 weeks, and ever since has we've been able to just put her in her crib, and whether she's tired or not plays no role as she'll eventually just fall asleep when she's ready without making a sound.

but i didn't have my hopes up that tonight would be that easy. i'm still holding my breath... (been an hour now, though), and knocking on wood that i haven't jinxed it by posting this. not to mention we also put her to bed without the paci - another first. we figured we'd try killing two birds with one stone. (holding, holding) ...ask me again how it went in the morning.

but it was time. the little man is going to need the crib, and rather than wait until he comes to take it from her, i'd rather she be all settled in that new bed of hers for a couple months. so it worked out that tonight is the night. this is the week that it's all going down.

bye bye crib. hello big girl bed.

hello big girl. man, time flies....

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